聂小东,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2017年毕业于湖南大学,获工学博士学位。2017年-2019年于广东省生态环境技术研究所开展博士后研究工作。曾以研究助理身份在香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系开展交流学习及科研工作。主要从事生源要素循环及其生态环境效应研究。目前,主持和参与了国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、国家重点研发专题等多项科研项目;近年在soil tillage research, catena, earth-science reviews, journal of soils and sediments,《土壤学报》等国内外主流期刊发表论文20余篇,参编专著1部。
1、土壤碳循环及其对全球变化的响应 2、土壤侵蚀过程及其物质驱动机理 3、生源物质迁移及面源污染治理
1.sun, y.,nie, x.*, li, z., wang, s., chen, j., & ran, f. (2021). the applicability of commonly-used tracers in identifying eroded organic matter sources. journal of hydrology, 603, 126949.
2.li, z., tong, d.,nie, x.*, xiao, h., jiao, p., jiang, j., . . . liao, w. (2021). new insight into soil carbon fixation rate: the intensive co-occurrence network of autotrophic bacteria increases the carbon fixation rate in depositional sites. agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 320, 107579.
3.li, z., sun, y. &nie, x.*(2020). biomarkers as a soil organic carbon tracer of sediment: recent advances and challenges. earth-science reviews 208: 103277.
4.nie, x.,guo, w., huang, b., zhuo, m., li, d., li, z. & yuan, z. (2019). effects of soil properties, topography and landform on the understory biomass of a pine forest in a subtropical hilly region. catena 176: 104-111.
5.nie, x., yuan, z., huang, b., liao, y., zhang, x., li, z., li, d. (2019). effects of water erosion on soil organic carbon stability in the subtropical china. journal of soils and sediments 19(10): 3564-3575.
6.zhang, x., li, z.*,nie, x.*, huang, m., wang, d., xiao, h., liu, c., peng, h., jiang, j. & zeng, g. (2019). the role of dissolved organic matter in soil organic carbon stability under water erosion. ecological indicators 102: 724-733.
7.nie, x., li, z., huang, j., liu, l., xiao, h., liu, c. & zeng, g. (2018). thermal stability of organic carbon in soil aggregates as affected by soil erosion and deposition. soil & tillage research 175: 82-90.
8.nie, x., li, z., huang, j., huang, b., xiao, h. & zeng, g. (2017). soil organic carbon fractions and stocks respond to restoration measures in degraded lands by water erosion. environmental management 59(5): 816-825.
9.li, z.,nie, x., he, j., chang, x., liu, c., liu, l., & sun, l. (2017). zonal characteristics of sediment-bound organic carbon loss during water erosion: a case study of four typical loess soils in shaanxi province. catena, 156: 393-400.
10.li, z. w.,nie, x., zhang, y., huang, j., huang, b., & zeng, g. (2016). assessing the influence of water level on schistosomiasis in dongting lake region before and after the construction of three gorges dam. environmental monitoring and assessment, 188(1): 28.
11.nie, x., li, z., he, j., huang, j., zhang, y., huang, b., zeng, g. (2015). enrichment of organic carbon in sediment under field simulated rainfall experiments. environmental earth sciences, 74(6): 5417-5425.
12.li, z.,nie, x., chen, x., lu, y., jiang, w., & zeng, g. (2015). the effects of land use and landscape position on labile organic carbon and carbon management index in red soil hilly region, southern china. journal of mountain science, 12(3): 626-636.
13.袁再健,马东方,聂小东*,廖义善,黄斌&卓慕宁(2020).南方红壤丘陵区林下水土流失防治研究进展.土壤学报57(01): 12-21.
14.聂小东,李忠武,王晓燕,申卫平,张雪,郭旺,马文明,王曙光. (2013).雨强对红壤坡耕地泥沙流失及有机碳富集的影响规律研究.土壤学报(05): 900-908.
15.聂小东,袁再建,李定强,陈金月,廖义善,黄斌,卓慕宁(2019).一种对林下水土流失进行治理的配置系统。实用新型专利号:zl 2018 2 1293498.5.